Action Updates, Election Integrity Legislation, & Beheading Satan

Central Chapter Meets
FIRST THURSDAY of each month!
Next meeting:
January 4th, 2024
6:30 PM
1127 Luckney Road
Flowood MS

Legislative session is here! We have an exciting meeting lined up!

Election integrity is still our top priority per our surveys. Representative Dan Eubanks (R) and policy expert, Dr. Jameson Taylor, are working with us on a bill to ban Rank Choice Voting. This protects our election primaries. We plan to work toward ultimately closing our problematic open primary elections in Mississippi.

Mississippi’s Michael Cassidy’s was recently at the center of a viral news story. Upon hearing of a satanic shrine set up in the Iowa state capitol at Christmastime, Cassidy booked a flight to Iowa, then boldly beheaded and destroyed the baphomet idol. His story was featured in many national news outlets, including Tucker Carlson. Full story HERE.

Cassidy was the primary opponent of Congressman Michael Guest in 2022 when many grassroots conservatives supported him in hopes of unseating Guest. Conservative republican Mississippians have been dissatisfied with Guest for reasons such as supporting Congressman Bennie Thompson’s J6 commission and for continually sending our tax dollars to Ukraine.

During Cassidy’s campaign, there were questions and accusations regarding Cassidy’s legitimacy as a conservative and whether he might be a plant by opposition. We hope that you will show up with some tough, honest questions!

NOTE: Many of us have new senators and/or representatives. If you do not know who yours are, please take time between now and our Thursday meeting to visit and enter your address to find your new legislators. Thanks!

Please join us and invite all your friends!

January 4th, 2024
6:30 pm
Riverside Church

6:30   Welcome and Pledge – Pastor Bryan Shufelt

6:35  Updates & Introduction – MaryJo Perry

6: 40 Special Guest – Dr. Jameson Taylor

6:55 Special Guest – Rep Dan Eubanks

7:10 Special Guest – Michael Cassidy

7:20 Discussion with written questions

7:30 Dismissal and Breakout – MaryJo Perry

**If you would like to continue getting text messages and emails from us, we ask that you make it a priority to complete our NEW join form, now. We need YOU to help us make Mississippi a better place for our families.

Please screenshot and share our graphic by text and on social media!
Scroll down for details and agenda.
We have an exciting meeting planned for you!
For dates on other January meetings being held around the state, please visit the home page!
**Congratulations on our new website! Thanks to all who donate!**

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