Donald J Trump Needs Your Help in Mississippi!

Help Donald Trump get on the ballot in #Mississippi! Download and print this petition and get your friends, family, and neighbors to sign it. We need to have them collected by December 18th, 2023.

PRINT the document below to collect signatures to get Donald J. Trump on the ballot for the 2024 Republican presidential primary. There is no minimum number.

Conservative Leaders and Patriots,

DJT needs our help. We need to collect signatures to get him on the ballot for the Republican primary election held on Tuesday, March 12th, 2024. This is a great way to meet your neighbors, walk your neighborhoods, and meet new friends. If you need a walk list let me know – we will create a walk list close to your home. Please see the directions below:

  1. Fill in the line after “We, the undersigned qualified electors of the State of Mississippi, in the County…” with the appropriate county from which the signers have a physical address. Once a sheet has a designated county filled in that line, only voters from that county can sign that petition sheet. (Example: People from Rankin County can’t sign on a sheet designated for Hinds County; you’ll have to have two separate sheets.)
  2. There are no limits to the number of signatures gathered in a single county. All 500 signatures required by the State of Mississippi could come from Hinds County if so desired.
  3. The language on the form says “qualified electors.” This simply means they’re registered to vote in Mississippi.
  4. Please fill in all the information for each voter. The only exception would be if someone does not know their Precinct. I can find that information in my Mississippi state database.
  5. Please do not fill out the page numbers on the top of the page. The campaign will complete this process.

For questions and to submit completed petitions, please contact:
Andrew Gasser
Conservative Coalition of Mississippi Advisory Board
(601) 521-2886

We will be happy to collect your completed petitions on or before December 12th.

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