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Join Us!

The Conservative Coalition of MS is organizing grassroots conservatives, educating and empowering them, then leading them into action that brings results. If we work together, conservative Mississippians can make a profound impact. There is so much the people can do, and we are here to help!

Conservative Mississippi voters continue to elect a supermajority of Republicans to our state legislature. The passage of legislation reflecting the conservative Republican platform should dominate each legislative session. Instead, many of our lawmakers boldly betray their voting base by blocking solid conservative legislation, year after year.

As the people of Mississippi, we have not done our civic duty. For some, it may be a lack of knowing what to do to make a difference. Others have simply become too comfortable, distracted, or unsure their voice matters. Most Mississippians have been unengaged in creating their own government. God blessed our nation with a citizen-created government, but we must get to work. We are reaping what we’ve sown. It is past time we engage.

We invite you to join us today in making Mississippi a truly red state.
Please invite your friends!

Matthew 5:13-16     |     Prayer and action are brothers.

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